
Most commands have alternate aliases or shortforms.

Do note after 1st September 2022, it's mandatory to @mention Kweh for all commands instead of using prefixes.

@kweh register server firstname lastname
@kweh register lodestone_id
e.g. @kweh register tonberry boki toki
e.g. @kweh register 40945

Links your Discord account to a Final Fantasy Lodestone profile so if you do a @kweh me @kweh profile @kweh glam or @kweh fflogs command, it'll display your profile, glams or fflogs without needing to enter your server, firstname and lastname in future.

There are very rare cases where characters being retrieved may not be the correct one due to multiple characters sharing the same name on a server. You can use the alternate command to register by providing your lodestone id which is the long string of numbers at the end of your lodestone profile's url.

e.g. ← 40945 is my lodestone id

Alias: iam
@kweh me

View your Lodestone profile after you've linked your account with @kweh register.

Generated profile images are cached for 1 hour.

Alias: whoami
@kweh profile
@kweh profile @User
@kweh profile server firstname lastname
e.g. @kweh profile tonberry boki toki
View someone's Lodestone profile or yours if no user is specified.
Alias: whois
@kweh glam
@kweh glam @User
@kweh glam server firstname lastname
e.g. @kweh glam tonberry boki toki
View someone's glamours or yours if no user is specified.
Alias: glamour
Eorzea Collection
@kweh ec
@kweh ec latest / loved / male / female
@kweh ec search search_text
@kweh ec author author_name
e.g. @kweh ec author valentia
e.g. @kweh ec search kweh

Lookup Eorzea Collection's glamours.

Kweh! requires the "Manage Messages" permission to manage the left and right arrow reactions used to navigate through glamour details.

Alias: eorzeacollection
Housing Snap
@kweh hs
@kweh hs search search_text
e.g. @kweh hs mansion

Lookup Housing Snap.

Kweh! requires the "Manage Messages" permission to manage the left and right arrow reactions used to navigate through housing snap items.

Alias: housingsnap
@kweh fflogs
@kweh fflogs @User
@kweh fflogs server firstname lastname
e.g. @kweh fflogs tonberry yidhra cantarell
View someone's FFLogs parses or yours if no user is specified. Percentiles are based on aDPS values from FFLogs.
Aliases: logs, parses
@kweh mb region itemname
@kweh mb datacenter itemname
@kweh mb server itemname
@kweh mb itemname
e.g. @kweh mb tonberry seeing horde guillotine
Region options: NA / JP / EU / OC

Retrieve the latest marketboard prices from for an item for a specific server, all servers in a data center or region.

If you're registered, you may omit the region, datacenter or server and your character's datacenter will be used automatically.

Aliases: market, marketboard
@kweh item itemname
e.g. @kweh item ethereal silk
Look up basic information about an item. If it's a crafted item, the result will list the crafting materials needed. If it is a crafting material, the result will list what can be crafted with it.
FFXIV Collect
@kweh mount search_string
@kweh minion search_string
@kweh title search_string
@kweh emote search_string
@kweh barding search_string
e.g. @kweh mount ozma
Look up detailed information for mounts, minions, titles, emotes and bardings from FFXIV Collect.
@kweh timers
Display current Eorzea time, time till next daily reset, time till next weekly reset and time till next server maintenance.
Aliases: timer, reset
@kweh maint
Display next server maintenance's information.
Aliases: maintenance
Triple Triad
@kweh tt
@kweh tt @User
View someone's Triple Triad collection status or yours if no user is specified. This command requires prior registration at
Aliases: cards, ttcollection
Lodestone News
@kweh news add
@kweh news add na / eu / jp / de / fr
@kweh news remove

Subscribe to Lodestone news in the channel where the command is issued.

NA region's lodestone news are fetched by default. You can specify a region by adding na, eu, jp, de or fr after the word add in the command.

If Kweh! loses access to the channel or don't have the required permission to post to the channel, it'll be unsubscribed automatically.

Alias: lodestone
Admin allowed only command
Fashion Report
@kweh fashion add
@kweh fashion remove
@kweh fashion

Subscribe to fashion report results in the channel where the command is issued. Fashion report results are provided by Miss Kaiyoko Star.

If Kweh! loses access to the channel or don't have the required permission to post to the channel, it'll be unsubscribed automatically.

View the latest fashion report with @kweh fashion.

Alias: fr
Admin allowed only command for channel subscription
@kweh language en / jp / de / fr
e.g. @kweh language jp

Set the server's default language to English (en), Japanese (jp), German (de) or French (fr). This only affects the item and profile lookup commands (for now).

Admin allowed only command
Default Channel
@kweh channel #your-channel-name
@kweh channel remove
e.g. @kweh channel #kweh-bot-spam

Specify a channel for bot responses to be posted to. Channel name has to be a blue Discord clickable channel link.

Ensure Kweh! has the permissions required to post to the specified channel.

This does not affect fashion report and news channels.

Admin allowed only command
Auto Delete
@kweh autodelete on
@kweh autodelete off

Automatically delete user issued commands once they've been processed.

Ensure Kweh! has the "Manage Messages" permission required to delete messages.

Admin allowed only command
@kweh help
Kweh! will DM you the command list in Discord.